Free Massage Supplies List to choose the affordable and quality massage equipment and cosy linens - $47 Value
27 lessons to learn quickly how to save your hands from pain, and discover the science, communication, and methods for Swedish Massage at home - $150 Value
Discover the power of healing touch to recover your connection from "the drift" of lacking touch & intimacy.
FREE Massage Supplies list to save you the frustration of picking the affordable table and cozy linens to fit your budget.
Get the top professional hand moves to learn and execute a massage without tiring your hands out from a licensed massage therapist with 24 years of experience!
Detailed, Step- By-Step Walkthrough of Every Piece of Using Your Massage Table, Your Hands and Forearms to feel confident!
Comprehensive Videos to Show You All the techniques using a visual guide to learn nudity and family friendly
Important Videos & Walkthroughs On the Science of Touch, Communication, The Hand Methods & Forearm Methods For massage
Licensed massage therapist and esthetician in Colorado & Utah,
BA MSU, AA LCC Pre-Radiology
Certified Yoga Instructor, ChiGong & Thai Massage
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